Last day Airlie Beach

Halfway through my journey and I feel like I have been here for months. Yesterday a bit of an off day, missed my home a little bit. And being surrounded by all these very young backpackers that seemed to be only into their looks and partying wasn’t helping. But I quickly got myself together again. Yesterday I went out for a turtle excursion. As I am here for a month and it is very hot I needed to pace myself so I just do one thing per day. In the last few years Airlie has gone more and more commercial and popular which makes it less attractive in my book. The initial wow I had when I first arrived here was gone, it is still awesome to drive up from Proserpine and see this beautiful area doom up in front of you but all these people, building works and traffic has done the place no good. So .turtle excursion, it was very unclear as to where I needed to go as the marina is quite big. It took several asks and several looking around to finally find the little boat hub somewhere down and at the back. Also you. Ow have to pay for parking ( it’s almost like Europe) and that also was dead complicated. Anyway, finally found He place, just in time. I was very surprised as why they would do this in the middle of the day in full heat but that had to do with the visibility of the turtles. So lots of sunscreen and some layers ( hot!) The trip was ok, but a little bit disappointing, probably because we were so spoiled with the whales before. I did see some turtles but they were so quick I couldn’t photograph them. We were jetting back to shore which was kinda cool! After that I just took,it easy. After a siesta I went to the lagoon and ate in town.

Today I was kinda tired as my next door neighbours ( a guy and girl) returned around 2 at night and decided to have a bit of a party. After a while I asked them to take it down a bit which only for a while they did. I am not denying anyone a party but these cabins have such thin walls you hear everything. At 5 there was this this other guy and let’s just say things got really cozy there. 😳 At 6:30 I fell asleep and when I got up at 8:00 they had checked out leaving an absolute pig sty what I heard from the owners of the place. Oh dear oh dear.

So, I planned to have a walk in the rainforest today, so after breakfast I went to the end of Shute harbour as it was chucking it down. But as soon as I arrived it cleared. First I went to the lookout and then I decided on a walk a bit further back.

Unfortunately it wasn’t signposted very well so I hoped I took the right path. With signs like watch out for incredibly painful plants and knowing what sort of wildlife there can lurk in the bushes I was a bit wary as to not get lost. After about half an hour the path got to overgrown and I decided to walk back, but of a shame but still a nice walk.

I was soaking from sweat when I arrived back ( 30 degrees and more then 90 % humidity) so I took a nice dip in the pool. Even though it isn’t as fancy as the lagoon I quite liked it. Nice and quiet. And none of the pools are like in Europe where , as Michael mackintyre would say ” it’s alright once you’re in” All a lovely temperature. After that lunch, some Grace an Frankie a nap, then some drawing on my veranda, some nice chats with the locals, another swim, shower, bbq and packing my suitcase.

Oh! And I managed to hurt one of my toes again, don’t know what it is with me and toes…I fell over my suitcase and now my pinky toe is al black and blue and hurting like hell. Great! So that will be limping through Sydney then…

Tomorrow morning I have to return the car at Proserpine and then off to Sydney!

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